Saturday, May 9

Unintended Consequences

Commenting on the expenses controversy, Iain Watson, BBC political correspondent, makes a statement of the blindingly obvious. He writes, "Seemingly endless stories about MPs who, in the main, have not broken any rules - even if the rules themselves are being questioned - diminishes, from a low base, any remaining public trust in politics."
A worrying issue is the opportunity cost. While the political claque is indulging in its feeding frenzy, over what is in effect little more than bicycle shed syndrome, all sorts of things that should be in the news are not being reported by the MSM.There is an awful lot happening out there at the moment but the media seems to have given up trying, while the British political blogosphere is retreating into its own bubble and pulling up the drawbridge. This orgy of introspection is not healthy, since most people are politicaly apathetic at the best of times.
All too soon, we will see another immutable law kick into action – the law of unintended consequences. Ignore certain issues, or do not protest and politicians have a nasty habit of leaping up and biting you hard when you least expect it. At which time it is too late, thus is how political extremists win!

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