Monday, September 26

A MacInjection

by Sarah-Jane Hollands
It would appear that in Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, in the North East of England, a 17 year old girl made an appointment to receive a contraceptive injection. Are you thinking "How responsible. How forward thinking."? Well, not entirely.
She arranged for this injection to be administered by an award winning nurse, in the toilets of a MacDonalds restaurant.
What is happening to our health service and indeed to our teenagers, that anyone should think that this is a good idea? This is taking care in the community a bit too far !
Apparently, it is claimed the girl had 'a history of pregnancy' (through no fault of the fast food chain) Perhaps a history of sex education, moral and health food guidance would be of more use to this unfortunate individual.
In this country, the issue of teenage pregnancy is a serious and emotive subject. However, handing out contraception as though it were a free gift with a hamburger is sinking to new depths and providing today's teenagers with a licence to behave in an increasingly casual manner.
Where will this end? Vasectomies performed while you wait at the local petrol station? Ante-natal appointments in the toilets at Burger King?
Why not go the whole hog and set up a labour ward and delivery suite at KFC?
Would you like fries with that epidural?

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