Sunday, August 19

The Journal

As of Sunday evening this blog is now linked to The Journal.
This represents a momentous leap forward for our glorious Blog; we have become, literally linked to one of the North of England's premier newspapers, well their website,
A short scroll down The Journal's front webpage there is a button that takes the viewer/reader through to a landing page, where there is a link to a small number of definitive blogs, of which Very British Subjects is proud to have been chosen. The link is labelled - Peter Troy talks politics. Well actually for most of my adult life I have talk of little else so that at least is apt.
Regular readers need not fear, this Blog will not change its, indpendent and distinctive editorial style; after all it is for its charicteristics we were chosen by the editorial team at The Journal to be included to enhance the range of their website. The Journal is a newspaper which earned the my respect for its detailed and later campaigning coverage of the Foot and Mouth crises of 2002.

Peter Troy

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