Sunday, August 17

Mitigation From The Editor of VBS

One of the problems of running an expanding business is that there is very little time for the very consuming past-time of blogging - hence the serious lack of postings on this blog in recent months.
I promise not to neglect VBS so badly in the future. After all this Blog has a reputation of disturbing to maintain. So a very big sorry to all our readers, especially those who have sent emails expressing a very British concern.
In mitigation I offer my business website for viewing, - actually we are rather proud of it - and thus are very grateful (a huge British understatement) to webdesigners 01 Digital who's expertees on behalf of Peter Troy The Publicist Ltd will make the site an awardwinning one (when we find a competition to enter it in to). In short dear reader we will now 'KBO'.

Editor - Peter Troy