Sunday, September 2


The tide is turning - it is now cool to be a Eurosceptic as the (very cool) The Sunday Times confirms with its piece by Freddie Sayer on London’s glitterati who are about to launch their own campaign for a referendum on the new EU 'reform' treaty.
Meanwhile, The Daily Mirror website was telling us late yesterday that, "Gordon Brown will face a fierce fight to win a Commons vote on the new EU treaty," with the news that "senior Liberal Democrats" have signalled that they will join the Tories and Labour rebels to defeat the Government and force a referendum in a vote next year.
Indeed the tide is now turning - Euroseptics will soon rule ok - no doubt an enterprising businessperson will now set to and be reprinting all those surplus ''Bollocks to Blair'' tea-shirts!


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work on this blog--we are winning it seems!

Anonymous said...

No June 'we' are still looseing. It is however just possible that 'we' may, not be loosing quite as badly as we were at the begining of the year.

If 'we win' the referendum (assuming the question is not spiked and asuuming we are granted one by 'them') we are only where we are now; though that is preferable to where 'they' want us to be next year !

In any event we can't go back to where we were in 1973 -when we joined - because 'there' is not there now. So as you will gather where the winning post is is a matter for some debate, though what is certain is that it is not 'here' ie where we are now.

Thus moving forward towards the winning post needs inspierd visionery leadership which I fear the eurosceptic community (that's us)does not, yet, have.