Sunday, September 23

The ''Family'' Blog

Our expanding band of regular readers may have noticed substantial changes to this glorious Blog. The most important being that we have joined the new Umbrella Blog.
The new Blog aims to provide easily accessible reference to a "family" of blogs, allowing the reader to see at a glance what has been posted, and to give enough information about each post to enable readers to decide whether they want to read more. That way, Umbrella Blog is a convenient time-saver and a quick source of information, removing the need to trawl through a large number of blogs yet enabling readers to pick up information they might otherwise have missed. As the "family" of bloggers expands, editors aim through them to cover a wide range of subjects, providing a complementary overview of the issues of the day, with analysis and insights that the MSM rarely offers.
For a fuller explanation go here. I hope readers will approve of our new adopted family in the mean time this Blog will as the great man often said when the chips were down: '' Keep Buggering On (KBO)'
Peter Troy - A Family Blog Editor

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

like the new style of blog Peter, its more user frendly too...