Sunday, November 12

The Best of British

By Peter Troy
This morning's Service at the Cenotaph was as it has been for eight decades poignant. It was what we the British do best; military ceremony.
Her Majesty the Queen led the Nations mourning to the millions who have died in the service of their country at time of war and conflict. It has been commented on by some that this year’s act of tribute was more poignant than in recent years. The reason of course, British troops continued involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sited by some as conflicts to end all terrorism.

The Festival of Remembrance held at the Albert Hall, London has been ‘updated’ with a stronger emphasis on the losses and tragedies of current conflicts. Without detracting from the tragedies of the deaths of those involved it is worth emphasising the un-necessary deaths of British Soldiers due to crass, inadequate equipment. I refer to the scandal of the ‘scratch landrover’ issue (see links below).

Lest we forget, "war is nothing but a continuation of politics by other means"– Karl von Clausewitz.

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