Sunday, February 13

Imperial - Better by Miles

We have noticed an alarming increase in the number of metric road signs erected by local authorites accross HM's Realm in recent years. This is merication by stelth; not only is it underhand and unsafe it is also illegal.
The 1994 regulations, that govern road distance signs, are indeed current and clear - they specifically state that the only units to be used in signs indicating distances on roads to which the public have access are miles, yards, feet and inches.
This blog will eagerly take up any illegal metric sign (literaly if needed) that are reported to us.
This blog is an action blog, boldly to go where no other blog has been before in defence of very British Subjects, from all geograpical locations, ethnic groups and all socia-economic clasification (what ever that means). We are unashamed suporters of the UK's Condtitutional Monarchy. We defend absolutly the right to fee speech (including erofiles and republicans). We have a positive policy on infinatives which we never knowingly split. - Ed.

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