The Norther Echo - Regional Newspaper for the North East of England with a reputaion for in- depth coverage of political issues. Above a flash back to last year.
Letter published in The Northern Echo - Saturday 27 May
The editorial comment in The Northern Echo (Wed 24 May) commenting on the creation of a merged North East Police Force correctly concludes that people living in the region are mainly concerned about the availability of officers on the beat and local accountability.
The new Home Secretary, Dr John Reid , came to the conclusion to shelve the national scheme to merge the 43 English and Welsh Police Forces into 12 large regional super forces after an report for the Association of Chief Police Officers showed that the cost of the merger plans lead to the strength of the police being cut by 25,000 and there would also be considerably less local police accountability.
Rather than ignore professional advice as The Northern Echo suggests in last Wednesdays leader - Dr Reid has embraced it and clearly ignored his party's obsession with regionalisation.
The editorial comment in The Northern Echo (Wed 24 May) commenting on the creation of a merged North East Police Force correctly concludes that people living in the region are mainly concerned about the availability of officers on the beat and local accountability.
The new Home Secretary, Dr John Reid , came to the conclusion to shelve the national scheme to merge the 43 English and Welsh Police Forces into 12 large regional super forces after an report for the Association of Chief Police Officers showed that the cost of the merger plans lead to the strength of the police being cut by 25,000 and there would also be considerably less local police accountability.
Rather than ignore professional advice as The Northern Echo suggests in last Wednesdays leader - Dr Reid has embraced it and clearly ignored his party's obsession with regionalisation.
The leader refered to in the 'Echo' states:
''It is, an issue that will not go away. Here in the North -East, we have the chief constables of Durham and Northumbria passionately arguing that a regional police force is the best way to fight organised crime.........''
'' Can a Home Secretary really ignore that kind of advice, even if Clevland's chief constable takes the opposite view ?''
Editorial comment - our reader may ask why the editorial does not grant capital Cs to Chief Constables - which in the context written is a proper noun. I susspect by the end of this glorious week-end we will be informed.

Clearly the issue of the vast cost incured in the proposed merging police forces and the consequental effect on police numbers has been missed by this particular senior officer.
When the realisation that merging police forces is an idea born out of the Deputy Prime Minister's 30 year regional dream dawns on the senior 'boys in blue' and that the proposals have nothing what so ever to do with operational efficiency one trusts the idea will be droped for lack of evidence.
Could someone please expain - Are our 'boys in blue these days a force or a servive. If the latter when did the change occure ?
I would say that a generality of chief constables would not have capital cs, but when a specific Chief Constable is referred to he does get capitals. So in the leader the first instance is right but the second is wrong!
(I shan't point out your typo in Clevland!)
Yours pedantically
Chris Lloyd
Deputy Editor of The Northern Echo.
The spelling of Cleveland has now been corrected- thanks Chris.
This blog has an equal opportunity policy towards dyslexia.We always exveed our daily allocation of spelling errors.
The spelling of Cleveland has now been corrected- thanks Chris.
This blog has an equal opportunity policy towards dyslexia.We always exceed our daily allocation of spelling errors.
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