Saturday, March 10

CFP - ''Morally Wrong''

Flashback to January 2004. Peter Troy, then an activist in the North East Federation of Small Business wrote a detailed article on why what was one of the world's most productive fishing grounds, the North Sea, is under threat of closure to cod fishermen. Peter went on to comment in the North East and Scottish press that the British off shore fishing industry, made up entirly of Small Business could once again be thriving; a cause that the FSB were and remain less than enthusistic to even mention.
The photograph above shows one of the three remaining commercial fishing boats leaving the North Sea port of Hartlepool.
Last week Joe Borg, of Malta, the European Fisheries Commissioner and thus in charge of the British Fishing Industry described the EU's Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), and in particular EU's quota system, as "morally wrong". He admitted that, under the CFP rules, 880,000 tons of fish are having to be dumped each year in the North Sea alone, and that in some waters around the British Isles, more than 90 per cent of all the fish caught are having to be discarded (compared with an average in Norwegian and Icelandic waters of only 4 per cent).
Amazingly, there are still some people who think that the EU is good for us !
Above, Peter Troy campaigning with Morag of the Cod Crusaders and a local politican on the North East coast of Scotland.

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