Patientline, which operates the bedside telephone and TV services at 160 hospitals is due to report full-year figures on Monday.
The struggling under performing and debt ridden company, which reported a loss of £3.7m in the six months to 29 September said at the end of last year that it had embarked on a business recovery plan which included the closure of its US operations. Amazingly a pivotal part of that business recovery plan was to increase the price of its services particularly to the elderly and force its overworked and increasingly unpopular staff to adopt inapropriate direct selling techniques on the wards.
Without doubt the business suicide attempt by Patientline's Directors in the first half of this year, will shortly prove be terminal. Gordon Brown will, if he is alerted to the situation (and this Blog will do so), will need to order the (possibly also new) Health Secretary to establish a recovery plan which will set up non-profit making companies in each of the 160 Hospitals in which Patientline operate to continue the (much improved) service of the failed (and shamed) company.
Without doubt the business suicide attempt by Patientline's Directors in the first half of this year, will shortly prove be terminal. Gordon Brown will, if he is alerted to the situation (and this Blog will do so), will need to order the (possibly also new) Health Secretary to establish a recovery plan which will set up non-profit making companies in each of the 160 Hospitals in which Patientline operate to continue the (much improved) service of the failed (and shamed) company.
On Monday the financial announcement by Patientline's much harassed Chairman, Geoff White, (pictured left in better days) will confirm that intervention from the new occupant of Number 10 next week will prevent further stress on the wards of at least 160 UK hospitals. In the meantime Patientline's service levels continue to decline.
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