Thursday, June 28

Patientline in the Press (again)

The Pain of Patientline, click to enlarge.
On Wednesaday Blog Editor Peter Troy called, both on Radio Sun FM and in The Northern Echo, for the Patientline operation to be run by a series of newly established non profit making companies.
MPs (when they have settled down) will be discussing this in the Commons -details to follow. Perhaps the Patientline problem will be on Mr Brown's list of changes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some quotes which tells a story!

What we've done in our new pricing structure is, we've realigned our prices to bring the price of TV, which the majority of people watch, to a much lower level

Charlotte Brown
Commercial Director, Patientline

These people are ill, often recovering from operations, and the hike from 10p to 26p to phone out is really too much

Michael Summers
Patients Association