What is highly significant, we feel, is the huge amount of attention being give by the British media to what is, if not trivial, of secondary importance – especially with Israel's Prime Minister Sharon so gravely ill and the considerable political crisis that yet again is looming in that oh so troubled nation.
While it must have taken great courage to talk publically about an issue he had wanted to keep private, it is believed that Kennedy was forced into breaking the story himself to prevent being exposed by ITN who were about to reveal the extent of his personal problems.
As yet, no Lib-Dems have come forward to challenge Kennedy in the leadership contest, however do not be surprised if the Boy-king Cameron throws his hat into the ring - he has already tried to entice disgruntled Lib-Dems into the fold, why not go the whole hog and try to seize control of the party? Cameron seems to want to be all things to all people after all!

What is quite clear this evening is that by Monday morning Kennedy will be politicaly finished. Lib-Dems will then have to do what is truely difficult for them -- make a decision. That long drawn out decision by the members of Britains third largest party will dominate the news media for weeks, meanwhile important issues will be played out on the worlds stage largely ignored by all exceptt those who inhabit the blogosphere.
It is my settled opinion, after some years as a political correspondent, that no one is attracted to a political career in the first place unless he is socially or emotionally crippled.
Waugh, Auberon
Once again anonymous thank you for your contribution.
As Charles de Gaul said (in 1962)
"Since a politician never belives what he says, he is suprised when others belive him.
Well the General was French after all !
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