Thursday, January 5

Troy's briefs No. 006

Troy's briefs - Changed weekly - Information Technology

In the developed world Personal Computer ownership at the end of 2005 is 479 per 1,000. By the end of this year it is estimated that there will be a growth of 8-9 percent ending the year with 497 per 1,000 people owning their own PC.
Overall IT spending will, according to the forecasts published last week in The Economist for 2006, increase by a robust 7.8 per cent in 2006 to global market value of a huge £63 billion.
The globalised nature of the technology industry will - in terms of design and manufacture and sales - will yield that well known principle of the 'economies of scale' which will allow manufacturers to drive down prices while maintaining quality. Although lower prices will help to stoke demand, only the very leanest of manufacturers will be able to make profits.
All in all, IT consumers can expect greater choice and price competitiveness in 2006. There will be more flexibility in communications particularly in the form of affordable broadband access and an explosion of what the industry refers to as, 'beyond-the-PC handheld devices'.
The potential growth for innovative smaller businesses has never been better. Niklas Zennstrom, right, the founder and CEO of Skype Technologies, writing in The Economist stressed that he expects a dizzy pace of innovation, as nimble entrepreneurs respond to consumer demands. It is as Mr Zennstrom points out that in the world of IT: ''The winners who emerge will be swift and nimble in response to consumer demand. It's not the big who beat the small, it is the fast who beat the slow.''
Something the aspiring fast trackers will wish to note is an amazing new development at the University of Southern California which will soon impact on the UK market. Scientists have developed a silicon chip implant that mimics hipocampus, an area of the brain which creates memories. When available on the open market this could enable people who suffer from memory disorders to regain the ability to store new memories. That product has a huge potential market. I must now dash to an appointment - now then where did I put my car keys ?


Anonymous said...

Did you find your carkeys? Were you late for your important appointment? Some of your more dedicated readers are keen on the minutae!

Anonymous said...

Could this mean that people with the inpant would have an on/ff switch - No need to find the car keys I forgot to switch you on