
My somewhat tongue in cheek press statement to The Northern Echo on Monday read:-
''Peter Troy, Rod Stewart, Geri Halliwell, Brian May, Joules Holland and 6,500 volunteers, staff and contractors were invited to celebrate the 30 th Anniversary of the Prince's Trust at a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace on the afternoon of Friday 14 July''
The invitation gave a clue to the very traditional yet relaxed afternoon ''The Trustees (of the Princes Trust) are commanded by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales to invite Mr Peter Troy to a Garden Party ........''
Well, it was indeed a very British event despite the now necessary overt security. The gardens of Buckingham Palace in their majestic splendour provided an glorious location for HRH Prince Charles to say thank you in person to all those who have over the past thirty years helped change the lives of more than half a million young British Subjects.
Iced coffee, mineral water, tea in bone china cups, cucumber sandwiches, strawberry shortcakes, lemon tarts, chocolate cake partaken of to the strains of The Dambusters March and other stirring tunes were expertly played by The Minden Band of the Queen's Division splendid in their red tunics. (The Band is named after the battle of Minden, fought in August 1759, when the Fench were soundly beaten)
The time honoured clockwork organisation of the event was both understated and conducted in a faultless genteel style as only the British can do. The Household Palace staff of course immaculate in their uniforms. Prince Charles accompanied by the Duchess of Cornwall strolled around the gardens for two hours, talking to guests in some detail and expressing genuine thanks for their contribution to the work of the Trust.
More than one of my detractors commented before the event that they expected Her Majesty's Tower to be accommodating a prisoner, the first since the summer of '41.Well, the institution of the monarchy, the Heir to the Throne and myself clearly all survived the visit.
The end of the party was marked by the playing of the National Anthem, a salute from the Bandmaster and the band marching off in the general direction of Hyde Park Barracks. As someone standing close to me said : '' in other words please do b***er off''.
So there it was, a very British Tea Party indeed, off I strolled, thanking the armed Police Inspector at the Palace Gates, through St James Park, past the impressive Guards War Memorial, across Horse Guards Parade, a quick march down Whitehall and into The Red Lion - London's 'political pub' to catch up on the days gossip (see posted article below).
My previous visit to the palace was as an impressionable 16 year old, 36 years ago (on the occasion of the investiture of a CBE to my Uncle) now as a cynical 52 two year old I wonder what the state of the Monarchy will be on my return visit in an other 36 years time at the ripe old age of 89; assuming that is I receive an other command to return.
To read an other account of the garden party please click below:
congratulations of being invited to have tea with the royals we assume is because of all your hard work for the princes trust hopefully the next time will be maybe a special occasion well done
Thank you for your comment Lady from Middlesex.
My next vistit will probably be in ye olde stocks specialy erected in The Palce forcourt for disident bloggers; a thought that may well give pleasure to some people.
I think the caption under the first picture should read 'Peter at the pearly gates' *LOL*
i was also at the garden party and thought it was a lovely way to spend a friday afternoon. I enjoyed mingling with the other volunteers, famous or not!!!
I attended the first Garden Party. I was later told by friends who were going to the 20th July one that it was possible to order DVDs marking the occasion. Do you know how to do this? Do you have any information because I would like to order one.
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