It is indeed a pleasurable site to see vast numbers of English (not UK flags) flying from the bleakest housing estate to the top of Downing Street. Even the dirtiest white van and indeed David Cameron's Bike as well as Tessa Jowell, the Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport has attached two England flags to her ministerial Rover.
The flag of St George has been unfurled (mostly all made in China) across the country. Supermarket giant Tesco expects to sell over 500,000 flags - all imported from Honk Kong. Well every little helps.
The British obsession with a safety first attitude or perhaps a risk adverse culture has surfaced this week with cautionary warnings to flag fliers. Amongst the more ridiculous examples was Tyne and Wear Fire Brigade who suggested that flags constituted a fire hazard, particularly in pubs if they are not properly fire-proofed!
The flag of St George has been unfurled (mostly all made in China) across the country. Supermarket giant Tesco expects to sell over 500,000 flags - all imported from Honk Kong. Well every little helps.
The British obsession with a safety first attitude or perhaps a risk adverse culture has surfaced this week with cautionary warnings to flag fliers. Amongst the more ridiculous examples was Tyne and Wear Fire Brigade who suggested that flags constituted a fire hazard, particularly in pubs if they are not properly fire-proofed!
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