Having spent much of the past few weeks speculating that Diana's body is to be exhumed (it is not going to be) the newspaper ran the latest of countless front page topics last Friday, ''Diana, How the French Missed the vital Clues.''

The Royal funeral, 1997.
Curiously, The Daily Express failed to report exactly why they had missed those clues which was because the forensic techniques which have recently been used on the wreckage of the Mercedes in which Diana died did not exist at the time of the French investigation in 1987.
The 1,000 word article contained the usual pure guff about pregnancy and murder plots devised by both French and British intelligence agencies and failed to specify that the vital 'clues' were that the car was in good working order and had definitely not been tampered with. Other more sensible newspapers did manage to report the official investigation led by Sir John Stevens whose interim statement read '' we strongly believe that Diana, Princess of Wales was the victim of a tragic accident''.
The journalists (though story writers would be a better term) like Padric Flanagan in the British Daily Express are pandering to the need of many people to have a reason to continue to mourn the popular perceived image of Diana. The Diana cult is alive and well but needs a constant drip feed of misinformation.
No doubt conspiracy theorists will continue to peddle their bizarre and attention demanding stories to the British and American gossip press for many years to come. Like the murder of the 'little' Princes in the Tower in the 1480's Diana's story will be recorded as 'history' by tales that fuel the popular imagination over the centuries; history as popular belief thinks it ought to be rather than history as it was. Diana's death was a tragic event, as is the death of any young mother but this continued unfounded theorising and perpetuation of myth does no credit to the writers of such drivel.
The 'Dianaisation' industry will carry on while there is money to be made from it in perpetuation regardless of the truth and the harm to the vital institution of the British Monarchy.
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