Not quite on the scale of the French presidential elections, these nevertheless are being treated as an important test of public opinion, against which the success or otherwise of the great Cameron "experiment" will be measured, viz à viz the decline in popularity of New Labour. The UKIP effect will be interesting.
At a time where it is possible for a former trade unionist with one of the countries most anti-business Unions (NALGO) to be elected as the National Chairman of one of the countries largest business organisations (FSB) any result is possible at tonight's count.
The full results will not be available until tomorrow, when we will do an analysis. In the meantime, as the saying goes, vote early and vote often.
I did not realise that John Wright was once a Trade Union official !
Well actually Colin neither did the FSB members who voted for John Wright know that he (Wright) was a very active member of NALGO one of the most anti business unions. Mr Wright omitted to metion in his election address that for 28 years he was an employee of Cleveland County Council and at the same time a Union activist.
Thus unwittingly the members of the Federation of Small Businesses - now with over 205,000 members have elected a trade unionist as its National Chairman. A matter that I have complained about.
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