The Emmanuel Centre off Great Peter Street, close to Lord North (Britain's worst Prime Minister) Street, in the City of Westminster and ten minutes enthusiastic walk away from the Houses of Parliament, is an intriguing yet uninspiring location for a party political conference.
The meeting hall abounds with engraved biblical quotes. Above a huge UKIP logo, St John's Gospel proclaims: "I have come that they may have life and I have come that they may have life in abundance."
In abundance before the conference, an exchange of frank e-mails between Deputy Leader Mike Nattress and Party Chairman Petrina Holdsworth had resulted in the latter having a tantrum and resigning not once but twice. Mindful that what UKIP can do best is squabble, acting (temporary) Party Chairman Jeffrey Titford MEP, took to the platform, to face approximately 700 souls, with some trepidation.
Jeffrey, doing what he does best, exerted his calming, gentlemanly influence, addressing people both respectfully and in a compassionate manner borne by his many years of experience as a funeral director.
Party Leader Roger Knapman MEP, lost no time referring to North ( that's Dr Richard, not the late Lord). Apparently, UKIP's leader has taken to reading www.eureferendum.blogspot.com , but perhaps not closely enough.
Mrs Holdsworth's absence mattered not, the absence however of detailled discussion on UKIP's core aim of leaving the EU or rather how we leave the EU, did matter.
A forty minute debate on whether the party should or not adopt a policy of campaigning for the introduction of a system of Proportional Representation (PR) ended in as much confusion as any system of PR inevitably does. Not unnaturally, small parties argue for PR, until that is they start to win seats. By a good old fashioned majority, the delegates voted against the motion.
Two further motions, one something to do with international missile defence which seemed to confuse about three issues and the other motion, on a simplified flat taxation, so perplexed this editor, that he felt an irresistable urge for tea; in fact tea time with anybody was preferable to trying to understand exactly what the purpose of these motions were.
What should have been discussed in detail, that the British Government has a covert policy of buying Euro, not US defence systems ( wasting £tens of billions in the process) and also that income tax should be so flat that it is abolished. After all the 'evil empire' for which income tax was introduced (Napolean Bonaparte's) has long since met it's Waterloo.
International election guru, Dick Morris, all the way from the US of A (as he frequently reminded us) declared that we had changed the course of history. Well, maybe, but not for the reasons that Mr Morris stated. It may be difficult for those that do not have an understanding of the duplicity of European politics to comprehend that though the EU Constitutional document is a 'dead parrot', the contents of the EU Constitution and it's centralist aims continue. To announce as Morris did that the EU Constitution is dead is to fundamentally misunderstand the threat of the 'evil empire'. Fortunately, the mumblers in the tea room recognised this.
Though the average age and temperment of the delegates could have qualified them for instant eviction from the Labour Party Conference, there was a well-received and well presented offering from the newly formed UKIP Youth.
The veryBritishsubjects prize for the most innovative speech of the conference goes to Clive Page, UKIP's television & media specialist, for his unique blend of caustic humour, sardonic wit and profound understatements. {Page your engraved mug awaits!}
So why does this conference matter? It matters because UKIP matters. What matters, really truly matters, is that the sound of NO to the EU resonates around the political system of the United Kingdom.
Supposed cranial hacks expound in today's press on the various permutations of the Tory Party, depending on which leadership candidate is elected. Whatever the outcome, Britain under a future Conservative government will continue as a member of the European Union. Whether Blair or Brown resides at No 10 Downing Street, the government of this c
ountry will remain in effect, of course in Brussels.

UKIP is likely to be in the forseeable future, the only political party which can act as an influence in the cause of leaving the EU.
'The undertaker' may be back as chairman, but the Grim Reaper is not yet at UKIP's door.
Gosh, I almost feel like I was there! As a new UKIP member I'm not familiar with some of the internal history, I do wonder how a Ken Clarke led conservative party would effect Ukip? Maybe it could be the making of the party - exciting times!
until ukip and veritas parties resolve their problems by being open and democratic they will never succeed!
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