An illustration of all three kinds of lies in one example was provided this year by no less than The Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer when denying to Parliament that he had leant on the Office for National Statistics to reclassify his Government expenditure in a way that helped him 'meet' his economic objectives.
22 March 2005:
'' It remains independent and will continue to be independent. It is the Independent Office for National Statistics and again I think it is an unfortunate allegation that somehow it is not independent.''
At the CBI conference, 28 November 2005:
''Having reviewed the framework for national statistics, I propose to legislate to make the office for National Statistics independent of government.''
Indeed !
An illustration of all three kinds of lies in one example was provided this year by no less than The Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer when denying to Parliament that he had leant on the Office for National Statistics to reclassify his Government expenditure in a way that helped him 'meet' his economic objectives.
22 March 2005:
'' It remains independent and will continue to be independent. It is the Independent Office for National Statistics and again I think it is an unfortunate allegation that somehow it is not independent.''
At the CBI conference, 28 November 2005:
''Having reviewed the framework for national statistics, I propose to legislate to make the office for National Statistics independent of government.''
Indeed !
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