By Sarah-Jane Hollands, Education Correspondent
According to a new report, it would appear that "schools are concentrating too much on teaching about 'Hitler and Henry' and should broaden their pupils' knowledge of history."
The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority said there has been a gradual "Hitlerisation" of history for pupils aged 14 and over.
This week new guidelines are to be published on teaching post-war German history, for this nation's secondary schools.
Regular readers here will know that I am mother to three school age children. I am also parent-governor at their school, I do get involved so I feel qualified to comment.
I believe there are two main points to be raised here. Primarily, I wonder why the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority is worrying about the European History in our schools, when actual British History is conspicuous by it's absence.
As we pointed out recently, the Bicentenary of the Battle of Trafalgar passed without comment or mention in my daughter's class.
By Sarah-Jane Hollands, Education Correspondent
According to a new report, it would appear that "schools are concentrating too much on teaching about 'Hitler and Henry' and should broaden their pupils' knowledge of history."

The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority said there has been a gradual "Hitlerisation" of history for pupils aged 14 and over.
This week new guidelines are to be published on teaching post-war German history, for this nation's secondary schools.
Regular readers here will know that I am mother to three school age children. I am also parent-governor at their school, I do get involved so I feel qualified to comment.
I believe there are two main points to be raised here. Primarily, I wonder why the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority is worrying about the European History in our schools, when actual British History is conspicuous by it's absence.

Britain has a long and glorious history which is routinely ignored by the various education authorities around the land and the Government repeatedly stands by and does nothing to remedy this pitiful state of affairs.
My second point is that our children should be learning more, not less about Hitler. The second World War should not be swept under the carpet and forgotten, we cannot pretend it didn't happen and the atrocities should not be glossed over.
Furthermore, if, as the guidelines are to suggest, our schools should concentrate on Germany's post-war history - what will that involve? West Germany's dynamic economic growth, the collapse of the economy following the taking down of the Berlin wall? The Franco-Prussian alliance aimed at the political domination the EU? Hardly illustrious, is it and certainly not much fun for our young school persons !
Don't mention the war? Next they'll be telling us not to talk about 1966!
Surely the main reason that British history is neglected is due to the EUrophile attitude of our current "government" and the lack of knowledge amongst teachers. For some years now all things British, especially English have been denigrated but we put up with the situation. From being a strong, confident nation we have become wimps.
The first and last time I watched a football match was the final of the World Cup in 1966.
The fact that is now a historical reference in school textbooks makes me feel older than I look !
British history is unwelcome because our political elite wish to terminate Britain (and the British people).
Hitler is a god of the multiculti - in the same way Satan is a god of Christianity. Deny the multicult, have pride in your own kind and you will all go to a Hitlerian Hell and Damnation.
If Hitler has to be taught it would nice if a little genuine history were included and the cartoon character we must all fear and tremble were ditched.
www.vho.org are useful resources for those interested in real history.
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